Blender Add-On - Integrated Library

This is one of the add-on I have created for my academic mini project. Other 2 were ‘Solid Wall” and “Measure Surface Area”. Since there already a Surface area measure add-on and it is highly developed, am not publishing that. Solid Wall add-on will publish soon.

Download from here or from GitHub


Objects in the library are saved to a file in the home directory. When inserting an object to a scene it is retrieved from the file. Actually object’s data is stored in the file as “name : vertices : edges : faces \n”. Created 2 functions, one to write an object’s data to the file, and another to retrieve the data from the file. After that, created the panel according to desired layout, and then connected buttons to the respective functions. Listing of elements is done using a loop. Deleting an object is done by passing objects name to the delete function.